HELP Bleeding 7W+2 to 9W+5 and 11W


I started bleeding 11th May, 18th I went to A and E who took bloods which my hcg were 23,700 and booked me in with my Epau, who saw me on the 20th May my due date was a full week behind what my BFP and Ovulation tests put me at but baby was fine with a heart beating measuring 8 plus 4. I was told if on the 29th I'm still bleeding to call back but the bleeding had stopped. But yesterday 6th June I started bleeding again it was older blood but late last night it was more pinky blood id be 11 weeks off my last scan. Its all light bleeding and no clots. Has this happened to anyone. All my epau because of the pandemic and that they won't rescan but will get a consultant to check my cervix. 17th June cannot come quick enough at all.

I did give birth 7 months ago so I was thinking that may mean it's my cervix. I've had 2 boys and only had a few hours of little spotting when wiping this is more and last longer. I have had weird results from urine tests and not had them from epau. Swear I've had some form of uti for over a month but its probably gone now as have no signs and it would have gone to my kidneys by now with my body.

I aint panicking too much as its not heavy yet and not passing clots like previous miscarriages. I've read some have it with girl pregnancies or some have it when baby dies but isn't passing. Been trying to focus on positive stuff seems I have 10 days until my scan.

First one was when I noticed I started bleeding. Been a few hours since id been to a toilet as went out with my 2 children so it probably built up second is last night before bed then last is this morning.