Well I went into the hospital the day after my baby shower first the third time with super high bloo...

Well I went into the hospital the day after my baby shower first the third time with super high blood pressure tho this time I was showing that I may be getting preeclampsia so the doctors made me stay and wanted me to be induced so i agreed and didnt want any pain meds needless to say 50 hours later i was still in labor having horrible contractions every 4 mins and I couldn't take it I was exhausted and was only 2 cm dilated so after being asked again if I wanted the epidural I said yes the doctor came in about 30 mins later and gave me the epidural and the pain went away. I still wanted to give birth vaginally so they started giving me the last drug for the induction. But my son did not like that drug and his heartrate kept dropping so the doctors came in and wanted me to do a nonemergency Csection after crying I finally said yes to that thinking nothing else could go wrong... I go for my csection followed by the daddy to be. And as he was waiting outside the door they prepped me for surgery only I wasnt getting off that easy the epidural wasnt up high enough and no matter how much more drugs they put in I could still feel it.. so they decided to put me to sleep.. the procedure went quick the doctor got him out in less than a minute but I didnt get to see him for another 2-3 hours. I'm just happy he is alive and breathing! He was totally worth all 50 hours of pain! Love my little Tobias to death! 👶👶