5dp5dt & 6dp5dt FET cramping?


Hi! Me again 😬. I know the other day I was complaining about no “signs”, but ever since yesterday afternoon (5dp5dt) I’ve had pretty consistent cramping that is hard to ignore. Way different than AF cramps. And more persistent on the right side. I phoned the nurse this morning (for like the 5th time this week 😂) and she said the cramping is a good sign most likely or could be just progesterone, but most likely good signs that “things are happening” esp since it’s one sided and then she said “yay i’m excited for tuesday” (my beta day). Not sure how i feel about that— could be false reassurance but i do appreciate her positivity. 😰

did anyone else have something like this and get a BFP and go on to have a healthy pregnancy??