Repressed memories

Without going in to much detail, I am almost sure that something traumatic happened to me as a child that I suppressed at the time.

I have huge holes in my memory of my childhood. I can remember some small details and also big things but there are noticeable blanks- years worth. I have had 2 recurring nightmares since I was 7/8 years old, both with a very similar theme/feeling. I have also quite recently (past few years) have started randomly remembering little snippets of things I’d never previously thought about much, but now when I do it makes me feel eerie and panicked. I feel like I have started putting the pieces of something together but can’t quite make sense of it. I have a strong gut feeling that something happened and my parents hid it from me when I naturally pushed it out of my mind. My instinct is rarely wrong.

Has anyone had any experience of uncovering repressed memories?
