Names to go with Henry

Stormy • Stormy, 29 🌻 Divorced. Baby #1 born 4/19/18 after 19 months TTC with tubal insufficiency! Baby #2 born 01/26/21 after issues with ovulation and an incompetent cervix.

I’m still early in my pregnancy. We don’t know baby’s gender yet BUT I’m already thinking about names. I’m hoping this baby is a boy so boy names are on my mind. My grandfather’s name was Henry and I was very close to him. I would love to name a son after him and I think Henry goes well as a sibling name for Hazel (my 2 year old daughter). Her middle name is Jade. The problem I have is that I can’t decide if I want to use it as a first name or middle name and cant figure out what names sound good with it. Ideas? Suggestions? Help me please!!