Our little boy arrived

Our little boy arrived. Amazing homebirth VBAC. Since we were at home his big brother got to meet him just minutes afterwards, my mom was there (former doula, Bradley teacher, and currently childbirth educator at a socal hospital), and my friend who is a photographer captured the birth and golden hour! We had two incredible midwives, one who is specialized in spinning babies came for the last 12 hours to help get him in an ideal position and they both were champs during pushing and working through a cervical lip and helping me get into a variety of positions to get him down and out. I pushed a little in the tub, ground, couch, toilet, and ultimately ended up on all fours on the ground. It was so incredible and am still in awe! I hope you mommas feel the strength of all us women around the world during your birth. Our bodies can do amazing things!!! You got this!