Baby fever

Samantha • Grateful mama of 2 💞 surprise baby #3 on the way

Guys baby fever is through the roof lately!! I'm trying to change my mindset for a positive flow of emotions and healthier mindset. I'm 22, will be 23 next month, and my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a year and 10 months with our second child. We haven't had any luck so far, lots of let downs and misleading symptoms that turned out to be PMS symptoms brought on way earlier in my cycle than normal. Up to this point, we haven't used any medications to intervene or any other remedies people swear by. It's been a rough journey for us. Although, I'm so grateful in the fact that we haven't suffered a loss, it's still been very discouraging to not get at least one positive during this whole journey. When we first started this process, we knew it might take a little bit to let all the birth control I was on to be out of my system. We definitely didn't expect anything to happen for at least 3 months. So it was very exciting and we had a lot of fun. Then 5 months passed and I wondered what was going on. I started to blame myself for not being pregnant. Doing the BD started to feel like a chore after only 6-7 months. I went through a very negative mindset for awhile, my depression and anxiety spiked. I started to stress over getting pregnant and that's not what any woman should do when trying to get pregnant. I would get mad at every pregnancy announcement and birth announcement on my social media pages. Fast forward to current, I'm trying to fix my mental health. I'm deciding that starting now, I'm not going to let the negative thoughts get to me. I'm going to start being positive and feed my mind good thoughts. My cycle is extremely late this time around but I'm only getting negative tests. And I'm telling myself, it will happen when the time is right. Maybe my body just needed a month off and this is a way of showing me im too stressed about this (for a perspective, I thought this was our month and ended up taking over 50 tests for them all to be negative, but fear not, they were all cheapies bought in bulk) 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm doing a handful of different things for my next cycle. First and foremost, I'm doing lots of research and reading positive articles. I've started charting my BBT and reading up on how to properly do this. I found an interesting message technique to help promote a good reproductive system, this is sworn by Mayan women. I'm buying ovulation tests in addition to chatting my BBT to help me better pin point my ovulation this time. I'm taking my prenatal vitamins now instead of waiting until we are pregnant. I feel if I get the vitamins in my system and to good levels, I will have a better chance of getting a positive since my body will have the correct nutrients to support a thriving pregnancy. I'm also drinking more water. This is my downfall, I get caffeine headaches so badly, but I'm cutting back on my coffee and pop intake. I also bought a fertility tea that I've seen a lot of positive reviews on. I'm super excited about this and am hopeful that it will help us get pregnant. I'm reading a lot about pregnancy and doing research to prepare myself better for our second pregnancy. Theres so many things I'm finding that would have been helpful the first time around. I'M taking charge of my cycle this time. I'm crossing all my fingers, toes, arms, and legs that this will be it for us. This will happen for us soon. And I'm so beyond ready 💖

Edit: I found a "motto" if you will, that I found very positive and intriguing. I've been telling myself this everyday for about a week now. It said "treat your body as if you're already pregnant". Positive thoughts, positive uterus! 💖