
My girlfriend and I have been together for about 6 months and i have never met someone who seems so complimentary to me. I know we are young and the relationship is fairly new, but it just seems so right. I’m not naive enough to think we will be together forever, but we both are really happy and picture this going on for a while. During quarantine we haven’t hung out other than the occasional social distance porch visit. We texted a lot, at certain times the texting got a little suggestive. The more we texted the more blatant it became. We did talk about sex a little bit and I think we both want to, but I don’t know if it’s just a result of being apart for so long. I’m definitely attracted to her and I want to eventually but I don’t want to rush. I’d normally be fine with just being open about this and I do plan to be, but I don’t want it to feel like I was leading her on. I know that I have the right to say I don’t want to, and she would accept that completely. But I’m still a little worried, any advice?