Anyone else feel like this?🤷🏽‍♀️

Sara • Happily Married 11-28-15👩‍❤️‍👨 Mommy to Leah Marie 5/9/19👧🏽 Trying for baby #2🤰🏽

We have been trying for baby #2 since November, we have a daughter, she is 1 years ago. Well I had a miscarriage back in November 2016 and my best friend also had one but back in 2015. She just found out she pregnant and i don’t know why deep down I felt jealous, don’t get me wrong I’m so excited for her to have a baby, but I don’t know if it’s because we have been trying and no luck or what. I’m so happy for her because my daughter will have someone to play with but also I want her to have a brother or sister. Idk it might be me but I just wondering has anyone else this way?