Breastfeeding and ttc #2 so confused and have a lot of questions❤️


So my son is 6 months and I’m breastfeeding. Trying to introduce solids but he is not impressed and just loves his boobie time ❤️😂

He nurses 1-2 times during the night.

To my surprise my period came back 5 months pp on May 8th and we are ttc #2.

Since my period came back I started to use ovulation tests (clear blue advance digital) to track my ovulation and I got a peak on May 20th but I went from low to peak never got high fertility.

If I go from 28 day cycle I should have started my period last Friday which means I’m 2 days late now...

I did test from 9dpo and I thought I got a vvvvfl on 9dpo and 11dpo then I stopped and wanted to test when I expected my period to come but it’s a BFN 🥺

Can I expect irregular periods when breastfeeding even though I ovulate ???

And also maybe a stupid question can breastfeeding cuz a false negative with urine?? Or is the Hcg levels slower to rise when breastfeeding??

Or Am I just late on my period because I’m breastfeeding??

Or is my body just still figuring out how long my cycle is going to be? I’m so confused since I got a positive ovulation and what I thought was a faint positive pregnancy test on 9 and 11 dpo...