Just need some reassurance.

So my bf and I had sex three days before my period. No birth control used, he came in me and I was on top position. Since it was three days before my period I knew the chances for pregnancy were low. But today I didn't get my period so we decided we still had time and I took some plan b. I'm still very scared though, I took the pill at 11 am and haven't really had any side effects.

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There’s no chance of pregnancy in your case. Pregnancy can only occur if you have intercourse a few days prior ovulation or 12-24 hours after you’ve released an egg, which happens about a week AFTER your period. Those green dots in your calendar on this app (if you track your periods on here) are your fertile window days and those are the days you wanna avoid sex or at least unprotected sex, as those are the days you could become pregnant, since semen can survive inside you for up to 3-5 days IF the conditions are right. So you should be okay. AF is probably just late because you’re paranoid and stressing you could be pregnant, which in response delayed your period.


Posted at
It was a very low chance to get pregnant, but not impossible. It also seems to be that you took plan b really late. I’d take a test