I’m dating my bf and his friends 🙄


Want to go ahead and thank you for reading this and to tell you that ... YOU ARE FUCKING AMAZING ✨ ily sis, keep on growing 🌸💕

Anyways... my bf and I have been dating for a few months. He is a “live in the moment” type of guy. He hardly ever uses social media, he barely texts me, he doesn’t use his phone much, but it’s fine because we see each other everyday. The issue is I hardly get alone time with him. I’m not talking about anything sexual (which I’m always down for 😏 hehe), I hardly get to spend time with JUST HIM! His friends are always around. Everything I invite him to, his friends tag along. I always go to his house and his friends are always there. We can’t go to his room and hangout in there because “it’s rude to leave company alone” 🙄 I’m starting to think his “boys” suck his dick... and if they do, they’re probably doing a better job than I am because my man always has people over.

What do I do?

What do I say to him?

I feel like if I say something, it’ll come out the wrong way.

The beginning of our relationship was great, it was only us two... but now I feel like I’m in an open relationship with JUST GUYS!!


Today I left his house because we were supposed to take a nap but HIS MOTHERFUCKINGDICKSUCKINNGBOYS WERE THERE!!!! AND ITS RUDE TO LEAVE COMPANY WAITING!!!!!

I was petty and stayed for 1 hour because I’m fed up. He was upset but nah his guys can cheer him up. I feel like I’m in sister wives... I’m dating my man and his friends.

19 kids and counting who?? More like 19 boyfriends and counting

I don’t know what to do. Please help!!!!