Breakup sex

Hey everyone,

Ive been on a break with my boyfriend for over 2 months. So I haven’t seen him in 2 months but we have spoken every now and then. I have a strong feeling that when we see each other in the coming weeks he is going to cut off ties with me and end our 4 year long term relationship.

Over the past two weeks ive come to accept the inevitable and that im ok with breaking up with him if that is going to make him happy. So at this point although im upset about it im feeling quite mutual about this decision.

Despite the fact that we still have quite a strong emotional connection when i see him a few weeks id really like to have sex with him one last time before we part ways. We have such a strong physical attraction to one another still and i think we always will. So my thought is why not say goodbye to this aswell as the relationship. Have sex one last time before breaking up.

I want to view this more for the pleasure then anything. We are allowed to be attracted to one another and everyone deserves a kiss or two.

Thoughts people??