Will my teacher be mad at me still? (Will story bare with me)

I am a high school graduate 👩🏼‍🎓 I want to invite one of my teachers from 4/5th grade. I’m afraid she won’t remember me or like me enough to come 😢I wasn’t a bad kid at all, but I never did anything memorable except ONE bad thing...

Here’s how i ended on bad terms with my teac:

In elementary, there were some popular girls and I wanted to fit in. They talked about leaving the school during the day (mind you I’m in 5th grade still) 😓

As I said I wanted to fit in so I decided to leave the school with them which was very stupid and i knew that at the time Too.

When I came back to the school, my teacher was very disappointed and she should’ve been. We was talking about peer pressure as the assignment for that week as well😔

I did like her as a teacher, and I would love for her to come to my grad party. But like I said idk if in the back of her head she’ll think of me as the girl who broke the school conduct. That was the only bad thing I ever done and it was still wrong.

*Do you think she’s still mad at me?* 🙁

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