9 lbs 15 oz baby... vaginal induction... Zero Stitches

Jewel • March ‘18 💕👏🏼👶🏼🎀🛍 Babygirl June ‘20 🙈 baby #2 unknown

This is a long one 😂 so grab your popcorn and kick your feet up lol.

I was due June 6th and originally scheduled for June 10th to be induced. On June 5th I went to my routine OB appointment. Had my cervix checked and I was a good 3 almost 4 cm dilated. Based on my blood pressure and how far dilated I was, My doctor asked if I wanted to be induced on the 6th rather than the 10th because he was inducing someone tomorrow anyways and the hospital had room. Of course I didn’t say no. I was at my wits end 😭 as I’m sure most of us can relate to by 40 weeks pregnant. So my doctor scheduled me for 9 AM June 6th (my due date, YAY).

We Check in at 9 am, did paperwork, got settled in, had my cervix checked and I was now 4 cm 80% effaced. I was so happy to hear this and really thought I’d have a baby by the afternoon!

11 o’clock rolls around, induction process hasn’t been started yet just kinda sitting around getting everything setup.

Meantime, I had to be poked 4 times for an IV. After 3 attempts with 2 different people they called in a pediatric nurse and she got it first vein, first try (thank god cause I hate needles 😂)

Had my Covid test at 11:30 (throat swab, wasn’t unpleasant just gagged) and then we began the first dose of Cytotek right after by placing the pill behind my cervix to get it to get it to thin out completely, with the hope of possibly throwing me into labor (which didn’t happen). 12-1 pm I walked the halls hoping to get things moving. Had my first bloody show around 1 ish when I took a potty break. 2nd dose of cytotek was placed at 4 o’clock (cervical). At this point I wasn’t having any contractions, zero change to my cervix so they gave me a dose of cytotek orally at 5:00 PM. That took effect pretty quick, I had my first contraction around 5:10-5:15 PM. They started at about 8 minutes apart and eventually got down to 5 minutes apart.

9 PM rolls around, no pain but tightness coming and going, I was still sitting at a 4 but my cervix was stretchy, so they decided to start pitocin.

Knowing I’d be required to be monitored consistently and pretty much stay in bed once the pitocin was started, I went and showered before beginning that.

The contractions came fast and strong pretty quickly after pitocin was started. They only started me at a 2 and my contractions were coming every 2-3 minutes. I was able to breath through them up until 2 AM. That’s when things got super intense and moved super fast. They ended up turning the pitocin off because the contractions were coming too close and strong. They eased up a little but then began to space out again so they had to turn it back on, still at a 2 ml/g.

I asked for an exam because I started to get the uncontrollable shakes that nobody cares to mention when transition happens (7 cm to 10 cm)! My nurse finally Checked at 2:30 AM I was 8 cm. My doctors were worried my baby might get stuck, so they were really pushing me for an epidural. I finally agreed once they explained what would occur if baby was too big and did end up having his shoulders stuck. Basically telling me, if I don’t get pain meds and this does occur things can get very uncomfortable and I will have no choice but to cooperate. I finally gave in and said okay let’s do the epidural even though I wanted to go all natural.

Two contractions later and I was rocking and groaning in pain . I felt my body start to push and I told my nurse. She goes oh boy, let me go tell Anne (my doctor). About a minute later my doctor comes back in and checks. She goes “well you are completely dilated now. Do you want to have a baby now?” I said yes! The next contraction came and it was unbearable. My doctor told me I could start pushing while she was suiting up. She said she’d catch the baby if he came flying out (LOL).

I start pushing during the contraction and the second she was suited up, dropped the table and sat in front of me, my water broke. Like projectile squirted EVERYWHERE. She told me that has never happened before. 1 minute later another contraction came and she tells me to push. The pain is indescribable. I literally said “why didn’t I get the epidural”. Babies head was crowning, no more heart beat on the monitor. She told me I had to push and I was begging for a minute. (I was watching the whole thing progress in the ceiling light cover as it’s super reflective. Pretty much a mirror on the ceiling) She told me I had to push now! I screamed bloody freaking murder and out came my baby boys head. This gave me a tad bit of relief pain wise. The cord was around his neck, she unwrapped it and told me to push again, she tugged on him and out he came!

With a total of 4 pushes baby went from 0 station to on my chest!

One nurse began pushing on my belly while the two others were rubbing baby on my chest trying to get him to pink up (he came out blue. Like blueberry blue)

As they were pushing on my belly, my doctor was pulling on the umbilical cord gently to help deliver it. I had to push a few times but that was NOTHING compared to that baby!

Once the placenta was out my doctor discovered that it had a velamentous cord insertion. Normally, the blood vessels of the baby run from the middle of the placenta via the umbilical cord to the baby. Velamentous insertion means that the blood vessels, unprotected by Wharton's jelly, traverse the membranes before they come together into the umbilical cord.

Potentially could of resulted in many complication or even the death of my baby! That was unbelievably scary to hear , but so comforting to know he is here and healthy!

My boy was born at 2:42 AM on 6/7/202 weighing 9 lbs 15 oz, 22 inches long and 14.75 inch head circumference 😭💕

Zero stitches, 1 minor tear on my labia.

We did skin to skin instantly, started breastfeeding 20 minutes after he was born and remained latched for 40 minutes (20 minutes each side). I was bleeding pretty heavily. The nurses kept coming over and pushing on my tummy and each time I would gush blood.

They had to hang some kind of medicine to help clot/stop the bleeding.

About 45 minutes later the bleeding slowed down.

I was up and out of bed as soon as they took him to look him over for a few at the warmer. Everyone was like OMG how did you just birth this watermelon naturally and then get up and walk around 😳

I was ready to go lol. I wish we could of been home already but at the same time I know the 24 hour stay is required to ensure healthy baby and mom!

His blood sugars were a little rocky for the first 16 hours, but have since regulated!

We will be discharged today!

I have minimal pain! Just the expected aches and soreness after child birth as well as uterine cramping.

I loved reading everyone else’s stories so i hope you guys enjoy mine just as much 💕

Here is my handsome boy