Red flags? Is he rushing things?

I met a guy at an event I was at and we ended up being friends.. kinda. We just weren’t that close. Months go by and he asks to hang out. It was fun and then he invited me to go to NY for the day and show me the city (that’s where he’s originally from and only a few hours away from me). Turns out it was a date haha. As the days go by we get closer and more comfortable. We end up staying the night at each other’s places a few times and I even introduced him to my friends.

There has never been a “title” brought up. I can’t tell if he just assumes we are commit to each other or maybe it’s all for fun.

I just got out of a serious relationship (he knows) and he’s also moving in November and I’m not trying to do long distance again. I just want to enjoy his company for now.

I’m low key starting to get nervous because he’s been doing things that couples (who are pretty serious) do in relationships.

For example I gave him my phone password one time to help me text someone back while I was driving.. next thing I know he added my face to his Face ID password so I can use his phone anytime, he randomly turned on his phone location indefinitely so I can “track” where he is (wtf? Lol), and today he gave me his spare truck key!! Why? Idk!!! In my eyes having someone’s car keys is more serious then house keys!! Also why would I need them? Sure i drive his truck sometimes but I always ask first! He also keeps giving me little things like his hoody for example. He even invited me to an event that’s in November! This man is 27 years old and I’m only 22.

I feel like I’ve made it clear that I don’t want anything serious but he claims he’s doing all this/giving me stuff in case of “emergency”.

I’ll have a talk with him next time we hang out. Maybe I’m looking to much into it though? Or is he rushing things in y’alls opinion?