* 39 weeks ~ one week * . #fourthtrimester . . perhaps the most intense, emotional,

* 39 weeks ~ one week * . #fourthtrimester . . perhaps the most intense, emotional, uncertain, fearful, loveable, human, animal week of my life ✨ . the transformation that happened with my birth physically & mentally has been the most profound & intense I have ever lived & could ever imagine... . . from having our baby Paolo inside safely nurtured & fed 24/7, feeling his subtle movements & intuiting his presence & suddenly, after the intense process of transformation that birth might be, u are in pain physically & mentally in an cloud of uncertainty when u realize u are responsible for the life of a tiny, defenseless, fragile human that depends entirely on u for thriving & surviving! This has been the biggest shock in the days after birth as we fearfully arrived home & had no idea how to feed him or place him for a restful, safe sleep & were overwhelmed with all the love & responsibility that we felt towards this new being in our lives... all this while your hormones make you drift from the happiest high to the saddest low in the short time frame of 5 minutes... extreme intensity! . . after one week of nesting together as a trio, patiently reminding ourselves that it’s Ok not to know everything or anything 😅, that we need to learn & relying on beautiful friends & family for help & guidance, we feel a bit more centered & slowly increase our security as we start to become the best parents we can be to our little one & discover the uniqueness of our baby, what calms him, what alters him, his adorable sounds & nervous cries ... and everything in between... . a new adventure begins & I can only say it feels it will be the most beautiful & meaningful one of my life... becoming a mama, discovering my immense strength & the unconditional support of my partner after my intense birth experience, just as I wanted natural & respected! All this I have to assimilate, process & integrate after this first week after the arrival of our little bundle of love ♡ . heartfelt thank u for your loving messages of congratulations! We will try to respond individually when the waters are more calm... we will continue to bond & cocoon as a trio for a bit longer ... more in comments