What happened to Tamla Horsford? (Trigger warning)


Adding a trigger warning because this story is quite disturbing and confusing.

In November 2018, Tamla Horsford, mom of 5, attended an adult sleepover with her friends and fellow moms of her son’s football team. This is a photo from that night (Tamla is shown with the arrow)

That morning, Tamla was found facedown in the yard, dead. No arrests have been made in her case and no clear reason for death was ever made other than “blunt force trauma”.

Recently, BLM on Twitter has called for more attention on her case and some kind of answer to be given. A healthy mom attending an innocent sleepover does not just randomly die in someone’s yard full of injuries.

With pressure, Tamla’s family has finally gained some steam and their attorney is working to find answers too.

“In an explosive letter, the attorney for the family of Tamla Horsford, a Forsyth County woman who died under mysterious circumstances at a house party in 2018, says his review of evidence “reflects that homicide is a strong possibility.”

“It appears Tamla was involved in a struggle. There were abrasions consistent with that scenario. There were parallel scratches to one arm. Since they were fresh, photos would not have proven recent use of defensive force,” the letter said. “There was one x-ray, yet the injury noted as the cause of death appears nowhere.”

“Fernandez laid out a number of issues he had with how the case was initially investigated.”

“Witness statements are in conflict. A potential subject handled the body as well as the evidence prior to law enforcement arriving. Evidence was disposed of and no inquiry followed.The scene was not preserved,” the letter said. “A remarkable fact is that there were no photographs taken during the autopsy of Tamla’s body.This had to have been done at someone’s directive because such a practice is unheard of.”

According to Instagram, her friends attending the sleepover with her even failed to call the police for two hours after they discovered her.

What do you think happened to Tamla? Did all of her friends conspire against her and kill her? Did she hurt herself and they got scared and didn’t know what to do? Did one of their husbands attack her and they covered it up? I hope an answer is given to her family soon.

RIP Tamla.