
Sorry english is not my first language but here it comes:

would you stay with your husband if he had cheated on you ?

I was the first to say to my girlfriends “to leave that son of a bitch” if they were cheated on by their boyfriends until it happened to me.

I’m married, we have 2 kids under 2 yo. Our relationship isn’t perfect but which one is ?!

So I discovered last werk he has been sexting an old girlfriend and sending/receiving nudes on SnapChat. If I wouldn’t have discovered it he would have probably continued to talk with her.

From what I could read and what he told me it was strictly sexual.

(Our last son is 4 months old and honestly I wasn’t ready for sex until recently + his dad died in May + quarantine.. so a lot was going on around our relationship).

We have been talking a lot since I discovered it to understand deeply what were the reasons he did it.

The cheating apart we will do therapy to work on our marriage and hope he doesn’t do it again.

Honestly I don’t know what direction take, I don’t know if putting more efforts on our relationship is the best idea . Sometimes I think leaving him would be better (even tho I don’t see my life without him) but also “closing my eyes” on the messages he may send in the future - if he cheats on me again in the future.

Beside all of that he is my bestfriend, the best father for our children and crazy as it souds he his a great lover and always takes care of us.

Please help me out if this happened to you, what decision did you take ?