Just a rant

I'm feeling very bad for my kid. I don't understand why ppl criticize her. She is 20 month old n very very active baby. She looks big for her age. She is always climbing, running, playing with toys n hs attention span of 5-10 min. My husband's colleague and his wife came by our home. They have 8 month old boy n he is not so active baby. All the time sitting in lap not getting down to crawl etc. That lady was to smug like know-it-all. She said," your daughter knows nothing and why doesn't she talk in sentence? Why is she behaving like mad?" Yes the bit*h came to my home home n called my baby mad n went crazy but controlled my self n said she is just being a kid, your baby is small, just wait for few months. He will be the same.. what kind of stupidity is this? Calling a toddler mad. Told my husband that I don't want to see her ever ever again..

Update- here's my cutie