Sleeping Really Late?


My son is 2.5. He typically goes to bed between 7 and 8 when I have work the next day and 8-9 on the weekends. He’s always been an early riser because I have to get him up to go to the sitters. No matter how late he’d be up (if we were out and visiting for instance and didn’t get home until later) he would still be up at the latest 7am. We recently moved him into a different bedroom than his original one to make a big boy room before the new baby comes. Now? He’s going to sleep at his regular bedtime but getting up close to 11 am. He’s literally slept 8:30pm-11am for the past week. I’m working from home now it’s not a huge deal but is there such a thing as a leap where he sleeps a ton? It’s messing us up because he doesn’t want to nap now since he gets up so late and by 6 or so he becomes a hot mess. Is this just a phase? Does he need this much sleep? Should I wake him and not let him decide when he gets up?