Implantation bleeding?

Alexahndria • First Time Mama 💓

Hey ladies, I need a little help, I'm soooo confused!

I have had an irregular cycle since I was 10 because of PCOS, it's never been monthly and my tracker has never been right up until 4 months ago.

I've been getting a period every month since February that has been a normal period not heavy and no cramps (I thought this was what heaven was like!).

Fast forward to now..

I have been spotting for 2 weeks now, just thought it and AF because I was expecting her soon - but it's never lasted this long before and has NEVER been this light! I've been bleeding during sex (not much but still more than spotting and very noticable).

I've also been extremely nauseated and dizzy, I took 2 PTs both were negatives.

I'm not sure what this could be, I scheduled a check with my OB hoping for some answers... which wont be for 2 more weeks! Any insight you ladies can give would help me and my BF out so much!