Help please!!! I’m so confused.

Facts... We’ve been trying for a long time... April 7 was the first day of last period. I did not have a normal period the following month. To be exact it was spotting after already missed period was expected. Before the spotting I already had that sense of being pregnant. Please keep in mind I have had 4 trying but healthy pregnancies so I know what I feel like during pregnancy. After the spotting and still a BFN I just assumed I am not pregnant but figured let’s go to the doctor because if I’m not pregnant then what is going on in my body. Well now I’ve completely missed the next months cycle... so again I go to get an at home test to receive another BFN. Symptoms still over whelming at times. The HCG level was only a 1 when I went in at roughly five weeks from first day of last period. I don’t know what I should do now. Doctors have never been my fav after being told so many things that were just not right. I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant but why is the home pregnancy test negative? What can I do to find out if I really am pregnant? I’ve prayed for this conception. They’ve told me before if probably never be able to conscience and if I did would not be able to carry to term. Well God had other plans obviously a four beautiful children and I think he’s making another miracle as I type. I have the faith but would like the science behind his works. Anyone ever go through this??? I need advice.