TW: sexual assault? advice please (UPDATE)

ok so ive been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now

um he knows that i've been molested on multiple occasions before

and he always says how my comfort is the most important to him

and i believe him

i just think he doesn't understand that what he does isn't right

i'm not sure how to bring it up in a conversation with him

and i feel like he might get mad at me for not stopping him

cuz i always say that id say no

and for the most part i do

but there's some things that, even if i say no

he'll keep saying "i really wanna do it"

"i really wish i could do it"

"i want to so bad"

where i just end up saying yes cuz like

idk ig i just wanna get him to shut up and feel like it's not a big deal anyways

but i feel so gross afterwards

it's been happening more and more

he used to not push at all but now ig

maybe he's used to it working on me

he just doesn't understand how damaging that is to me

idk what i should

i know a lot of girls relate to this, unfortunately.

how do i bring up this conversation with him?


i did talk to him a little bit ago and it went better than i thought. he was not mad at me or upset with me at all. rather he was upset with himself for not realizing what he was doing was wrong. he felt disgusted for making me feel that way and doing that to me. i know he never had ill intentions. he cried a bit and genuinely apologized to me saying he knows it's not ok and doesn't expect me to forgive him. he kept saying he never wants to make me feel that way and he can't believe that he didn't realize what he was doing.he said he has some growing up to do and that he needs to be more mature. i'm just glad this wasn't a fight. he also said that he was really happy with me for talking to him about it that way it can never happen again. so ya :)