How do I forgive my boyfriend?

First things first he didn’t cheat. He didn’t lie. This isn’t one of those stories. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 and a half years. I love him. I’ve stood by him through so much. He used to fuck up a lot, his family is a mess, he has trouble with school (engineering major), he has trouble with work, and I’ve been there through all of it. But sometimes it’s so damn much. But I’m there. Always! And last night I got really sick like really sick. And I wanted him to be there emotionally, I wanted help with homework, I wanted just him to be there. But he made excuses. This isn’t the first time he makes excuses when I need him. No he doesn’t always do this. But he’s done it a couple of times. I told him how I felt and then again he told me excuses. He brought on a huge amount of stress on me because what I wanted him to do was make things better but he made things worse. He said he is sorry but I don’t believe he even is. He just went to sleep. He told me he loved me and how sorry he was but how do you go to sleep without making things right. I think in some ways he was giving me my space because he knew he was making it worse. But I don’t know. I am so hurt and mad at him. I am always there! I am literally always there through the good and the bad. But I can’t seem to get over this. I don’t want to keep ignoring him but I don’t know..