Trigger/Follow-Up Question

Amanda • IVF mama - 💉 Round 1: 12/16 - 1 embryo, 0 ❄️, fresh transfer - 👦🏼 8/17 - 💉 Round 2: 3/20 - 🚫💔 - 💉 Round 3: 5/20 - 3 🥚 frozen - 💉 Round 4: 9/20 - 7 🥚 frozen

Hi Everyone! As many of you know, I recently completed my third round of <a href="">IVF</a> with fairly disappointing results. I had 9 eggs retrieved, but only 3 were mature. Without going into my entire story 😂, we did an egg freeze, so these 3 eggs are now frozen to hopefully be fertilized at a later time.

These results were unexpected because during my first round (Dec 2016), I had 6 eggs - 5 were mature and the last one matured over night after retrieval. During my second round (Mar 2020), I had 9 eggs - 7 were mature and the other two matured that night again.

I don’t really understand what happened this cycle. I talked to my nurse, who sent my chart to the doctor. I am planning a follow-up with him before my final round begins in July. However, my nurse did say he is not going to change my stims protocol, but he is going to change my trigger. For the first three rounds, I have taken Ovidrel. This time, he is going to have me do HCG and Lupron to trigger. Does anyone know the benefit to this type of trigger? Will it improve my egg maturity? Obviously I have a list of questions to ask at my follow-up, but I’m impatient. 😂

Also, what questions would you recommend I ask? I also want to ask about the medication Nirmi and Cerise (I think) mentioned - the human growth hormone. What else??