According to one app AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) is due on the 10th(Thursday) and another app is saying AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) is due on the 18th.... but I got my ONLY positive OPK (ovulation predictor kit) on the 2nd... started spotting on the 5th(like a drop and only when I wiped) , spotting picked up since then, still spotting. I’m gonna see if AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) comes tomorrow but until then I took a test. The Dollar General said they only had the clearblue or else I would have gotten the cheap DG test. But what do you guys think? I tried tweaking it a lil... I took one yesterday it may be a little darker today but idk or just an indent. If AF (Aunt Flo - menstruation/period) doesn’t come on full force I’ll find another store to find a different test.