What do you think? **tmi pic at bottom**


So heres a picture of this month's cycle.

It was later than glow predicted to begin with, and it was VERY different from any cycle ive ever had. The spotting started on the 22nd, but there was little to no fresh red blood. It was mainly dark brown almost black discharge. I mean, not even enough to fill a regular tampon, when normally I'd fill a super in around 3 hours.

Basically no cramping, which I usually have. And any cramps I had only last a few seconds or minutes, barely enough for me to notice. My breast didn't get sore like they usually do. They did get a bit larger and heavier though. After this 'period' was done, my breasts went back to normal. So I thought.. no biggie. Kinda weird though, so i just said I'd keep an eye out for any other weird changes in the next cycle.

Well today I've noticed that my breasts are quite heavier and so tender. I mean I barely brushed my arm over them and felt pain shoot from my nipple straight through the middle of my breast. I've had dizzy spells and some nausea. I mean I am anemic but I take my iron religiously, so I didn't think that would contribute to it. And I'm literally a walking heater. Like I feel sooo hot all the time. And just now when I went to the restroom, this is what I got when I wiped. I was so surprised, I wiped twice to make sure I wasnt crazy 😅 So like.. is this another period? Already? I'm confused because according to glow I just got done ovulating.

Surely it wouldn't be implantation bleeding? But if it was I wouldn't be experiencing symptoms so soon though right? I'm sorry, I know this was long and kind of ditzy, but I could use some help. My ob cant see me until July.

Thanks for reading

More bleeding just now