Can smelling fuel cause an early miscarriage?

A co-worker of my husbands...she is also my friend is blaming her work (the military) for an early miscarriage she had a couple of months ago. She was diagnosed with the miscarriage at 5-6 weeks but never saw anything inside of the was empty and only measured 4 weeks.

She works in aircraft, so there are fuel smells in the air often. She was never told by her doctor the fuel caused the miscarriage. She also painted her house and her guest/nursery during the same time.

She is now pregnant again, working, and has a healthy pregnancy. Even though she is still smelling fuel from time to time.

My husband came home from work today and felt very bad about her previous miscarriage and wanted to know if that indeed could cause a miscarriage. He said she basically blames the military and her job.

As a woman, I am honestly curious about this. She works with only men, so it’s easy for her to say things because they all believe it. She gets out of work early for it often.