99.5 temp- 7 weeks

My baby is 7 weeks this coming Thursday and slept last night 7 hours straight. Which has never happened before!! He also seemed very sleepy today and took naps, would nurse, and back to sleep. Not like him. I chalked it up to a growth spurt.. tonight he seems to be acting himself. More awake!

I took his temp because he feels warm to me— he actually usually feels somewhat on the warmer side! His head and back and chest are always the warmest while his arms hands legs and feet are cooler.

But I took his temperature this evening and it is 99.5 in the ear and 99.4 under arm. Are these normal temps? Should i be worried??

Like i said, how much he slept last night and during the day surprised me.. but figured it was a growth spurt he is going through. First time mom and worried! 😣