I have a crush on this guy but the situation might be weird?

I knew him when we were younger but haven’t talked since we were like 5 and it was like at church.

Fast forwards to now (21 years old). I think I like him again (I just got out of a relationship a little while back).


He’s bff’s with one my by cousins and they hang out like all the time. I see him at parties at stuff bc my cousin invites him. And also one of my cousins made out with him while she was drunk.

I feel like if I tried there would be a good chance we could get together but looking at the situation it may be weird...

For reference I’m close to my cousin in the sense that we hung out all the time growing up and I still see him a lot but we don’t talk about stuff like relationships or whatever.

Also I am close to the cousin he made out with, so I could ask her about if it would be weird but I want to ask here first bc I want to ask her in person, and I won’t be seeing her until next weekend

Would you be able to date a guy knowing he made out with your cousin?