Welcoming Liet

Daniela • *23* 6/28/17🌈🌈👧🏼* 6/9/20🌈🌈🌈👶🏼* RIP Ebian Angelo 👼🏼 3/13/19- 4/14/19* 🌈🌈🌈🌈🤰🏼

May 31 at 11:30 we arrived at the hospital thinking my waters may have been leaking. At around 2am I'm having mild consistent contractions every 1-2 minutes and I'm 2.5cm dilated 50% effaced. They have me walk around and bounce on the birthing ball and at 3 they check me again. I'm now 3cm, still 50% and high. They have my waters checked 3 times but all came back negative. By 3 my contractions were starting to get uncomfortable and I'm nauseous. So I'm given Zoltan to help with the nausea but I'm still unable to get some rest in between contractions. Due to how consistent my contractions were they kept me there for a long time but when they checked me again at 6am with no change to my cervix they sent us home.

By noon on June 2nd the contractions finally slowed down and stopped, I was able to finally rest. But I was sad that it wasn't baby time and I had gone through all that for nothing. Going to my natal appointment later that day I get another check, now I'm at a 2! I was so upset!! My doctor told me that it was probably due to him moving back up creating less pressure on my cervix. I was heartbroken hearing I had now regressed.

Since then I had felt with start and stop labor. Then on June 8th at 10pm, after dealing with mild contractions throughout the day, I get a PAINFUL contraction with the sensation of him moving down. Because of all the stop and go I told my husband that I would keep an eye on the next one and if it was just as bad we would go to the hospital. We get into bed and another one hits, I feel bad for my husband since he had fallen asleep within that time so I ignored it. Then another hit, being the third in a row that was that painful along with the sensation of him lowering I wake him up and tell me we should go. We walk over to tell my mom we are leaving and I ask her how long it had been since we left for bed. 20 minutes. So I knew things were a little more serious. On the 20 minute drive to the hospital I get a more mild contraction and start to worry things are petering out again. We arrive, get checked in at 11:58. I start to tell my husband how I'm worried we will be sent home again like last time and I'm about to cry but the doctor comes in. It's around 12:30 then and the doctor comes in and checks to see if baby is still head down and see how dilated I am. She immediately comments how he is much lower this time and still head down. She then checks me and quickly remarks that I'm at a 5-6cm and 70% effaced! I was shocked! Then as I'm being asked questions by the nurse my waters start to leak! Because of this she recommended I get the epidural (also to help with trying not to trigger my ptsd) so I agree and for the first time I got an epidural at 3am. I try and rest but was too excited. At 6 they came in to check me but I still hadn't progressed, I started to worry. I decide I should sleep cuz it seems I'll be here for a while. At 6:47 my waters BURST waking me from sleep and quite frankly scaring me 😂 the nurse came in not one second later and checks me. I am now 8.5cm! I tell the nurse and doctor cautiously that my body naturally started pushing at this point with my other son but they brushed it off and Wales away as the urge to push started. After 3 contractions after, only 2 minutes since they just left I call them in saying the need to push was unbearable. The doctor checks me and shockingly states I am fully dilated! She made a few remarks about how flabbergasted she was by that turn around lol. So they prepped and one minute, one push, he was here! 7:20 am June 9th Liet Elm Gesualdo made his arrival! For the first five minutes as they stitched me up, I got a 2nd degree tear, I bawled my eyes out with the pure joy of having a son with us again and the fact he was finally here.