Too good to leave, too bad to stay

Marriage problems 😭😭😭

I hate myself and my relationship with my husband. We are not meant for eachother. We don't get eachother and don't feel for eachother. We are like roomates who like to spend time together. We are and have never been attracted to eachother (what an idiot for thinking that could change with being married). We both feel more alone when together than when alone alone. I don't understand him, he doesn't understand me. I can't read him easily and he can't read me easily as well.

I don't know what to do. I've spent my best days with this person who I love deeply, but he is not my person and I've never been his person. I know he loves me deeply too.

I just feel nothing. I feel emptiness. I don't know what to do because I feel like I would miss him and don't want to lose him, but we are no good to eachother, no matter how hard we try. He feels 100% the same way. We've come such a long way, and have shared so many good and bad things, but it's like no matter what we do it doesn't feel right.

I am so lost.