Calling all Spanish-Speakers!

Hello there!

I’m currently working on a letter for my suegra, thanking her for everything she has done to support me and her son as well as offer her more help out around the house. (we had to move out of our housing due to COVID and are staying with her until further notice :( )

I didn’t grow up learning fluent Spanish and only know things here and there but I wanted to try and thank her in her preferred language. If you can help me in any way, or let me know if this sounds correct or okay it is so greatly appreciated.

Here is what I had so far:


Quiero darle las gracias por todo lo que has hecho por mi. Gracias por darme las bienvenidas a su familia. Estoy muy agradecida por tu ayuda. Quiero ayudar en la forma que sea posible. Quiero ayudarle con lo que ocupe, como los platos sucios o con la comida, o también si necesita ayuda con los nińos. No se moleste en preguntar aquí estoy yo. Gracias x”

i also wrote “perdoname, hablo mal espanol”