Clomid in the UK?

Tay • England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 PCOS 💪 mama to a preemie born at 28+4 on 28.12.2020 💕

My doctor has agreed to put me up to 850mg twice a day of metformin, I’m currently on 500mg twice a day but it’s still not regulating my periods. I asked my GP about clomid but he said “we are no longer able to prescribe Clomid in general practice due to the risk of ovarian hyper stimulation”

He wants to send me to a gynae but due to the pandemic they’re not taking on any routine new patients which is understandable, but I’m just wondering, has anyone in the UK been put on Clomid and if so how was the process?