Cholestasis Induction Rant

So irritated with my doctor 😩

I got diagnosed with cholestasis and have been going twice weekly for nst's

My doctor said he'd induce me at 37 weeks if my itching doesn't get better but the medication has been working so he changed my induction to 38 weeks. I'm 37 weeks as of today. They told me they would schedule my induction appointment today for next week but now my doctor is saying he wants to wait until 39 weeks to induce. I understand that the longer the baby is in there the better but with this condition I'm very very concerned with the risk of stillbirth. I've read early induction is preferred to reduce the risk of still birth, correct me if I'm wrong. I've expressed my concerns to him and he told me stillbirth is basically inevitable... he said if it happens than it happens there's nothing we can do about it. I'm so upset with him going back and forth 😒 it almost makes me feel like he's trying to fit me into his schedule to induce and he's not taking this as seriously as he talked about when I first got diagnosed. Also, on monday at my next appointment I'm going to request him do more bloodwork to see how my liver enzymes are. He hasn't checked my liver enzymes since he diagnosed me.

Seriously wish I would have changed doctors to a high risk doctor when I was first having problems. I'm feeling like my doctor isn't taking good care of us. Now I feel like it's waaay to late to change doctors.

Might as well wait until my baby girl comes on her own and avoid induction altogether if he assumes everything is fine 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️