My baby wasn’t even 3 days old yet 😪

So my mom was at my house helping me with my newborn and I got a knock on the door. I peaked in the peak hole to see who it was and it was just my nana so I opened the door. Come to find out my aunts and cousin was with them and they just showed up. They said they tried calling and messaging but I didn’t get a message or call. I told everyone to stay away (nicely) because I didn’t want to put us at risk for the virus. (And plus my discharge papers said to continue to self isolate) what makes me mad the most is that one of my aunts said they were sick the day before. The same aunts I don’t really have any use for, but they don’t know I think that way. They are both so negative, always laughing at my expense. One calling me *fat* when I was pregnant and she wasn’t gonna spend much on my baby because *I’m (apparently) loaded* were just not close at all. And why just show up now when they have a almost 3 year old great nephew? (I have two kids) what are your thoughts? I think it’s rude they just showed up uninvited, knowing I didn’t want company.