Due date was May 28th


But little baby wanted to wait an extra week. So he was born June 3rd. Just gonna stay in this group bc I feel like I’ve been with y’all and we have a bond lololol

Anyways, I got induced last Tuesday (6/2) had him Wednesday (6/3) I think it went by fast and easy.

I got admitted at 8pm, I was about 2cm. They started pitocin at 10:45 pm. Pain was ok very manageable. Next day around 10:45am, I was 5cm and they decided to break my water. I had asked for the epi before that and thank goodness I did because as soon they broke it they contractions really started to kick in. I had to wait like 20 minutes for them to set up and everything and it was the longest 20 minutes of my life lol anyways. Around 3 pm I tell the nurse the epi isn’t really working on one side and I feel a constant pressure. She checks me and says I’m at a 8, so we start practice pushes closer to 4. She calls dr to let him know then we wait on him to get to the hospital. Once he arrives, he looks over at me and says “oh wow. Baby is ready. Cool” like “yes he is and about to come out on his own if y’all don’t hurry!” Lol at 5:26 pm, on the 3 push a beautiful 8lb 6oz baby boy comes out 💙🥺 one week today. We are over the moon in love with him. I do think I have a bit of the baby blues but already talked to ob about it. Other than that everything is going good. 💙