I just need to say some praise

Thank you God for the amazing supportive husband that you brought into my life.

Who supports me and buys every crazy supplement I want to try, all the opks and pregnancy tests

The husband who always asks if I need anything for our TTC journey

The husband who sees how hard I struggle when I get my period and is there to be my strength and lift me back up

The husband who gets excited when it’s peak day and gets excited to make our baby

Who goes along with every new plan I want to try for conception even when it means skipping days for sex. Even on the days I know he really wants to make love, he will skip that day just to appease me and make me feel like we’re giving it our best shot

The husband who encourages me to make an appointment for a specialist because he says “it’s time for this. We need to do whatever we can to make this happen”

The husband who let me cry for hours after a missed miscarriage. And held me so tight.

The husband who never loses faith even though it’s been more than 2 years

Thank you God for giving me this man. Who makes this terribly long and hard journey, somehow bearable