My birth story!


First totally different from the birth of my daughter (32.5 hours of labour, 19hrs were active)

I couldn’t sleep last night, not due to pain or anything like that I just felt worried. I ate super late which I never do. I finally got to sleep at 2am. A little after 3am I woke up with what I thought were cramping pains from gas. 4am the pain started to increase. 5:30am I decided maybe I should track these. Every 2 mins for 30-40 seconds. I woke my SO up at 5:45am. Woke my niece up to watch our girls. We were out the door by 6am. We got to the hospital at 7am, at this point contractions were a min and a half long and every 3 minutes. They checked my cervix at 7:20am I was 5 cm dilated. 7:40am they checked again I was 6 cm. They rushed me to a delivery room. 8:10am I am still only 6 cm. 8:29am 10cm and time to push.

8:37am little Kayden was here. I can’t believe how fast and furious my little man came into this world. I love him so much and can’t wait for his big sisters to meet him.