Advocating for myself and not taking no for an answer


Im sorry I need to rant. I’m very fed up with my doctor. Started the <a href="">IVF</a> process in January 2019. My doctor didn’t suggest PGS cause of my age and also didnt suggest high doses of meds because of responding to much. She’s a doctor I trust her. We got 15 eggs and ended with 7 blasts. Perfectly fine. We do a fresh transfer, everything goes well. I go to my first ultrasound and there was a sac no baby. Turns out to be a blighted ovum and most likely a chromosome issue. I have a d&c. We go to do a another transfer, fluid in my uterus and a possible poly. I have a hysteroscopy. We go on to do another transfer and my lining is thick but doesn’t have the 3 layers. My doctor suggests it’s not ideal but to process with transfer. It fails. I demand to thaw my embryos and pgs test. We do and we get two normal embryos, perfect. We prep for another transfer and again not 3 layers. I cancel It. We move to another transfer and change the protocol. We do injectable meds to stim ovaries which in turn stimulates the lining. The same issue happens, no 3 layers! My doctor and two other doctors assure me it’s okay to proceed. We go the transfer, I got for beta yesterday and it’s 22.4. Awful. My progesterone was 14. Which was a red flag to me but they said since i ovulated On my own the number didn’t have to be super high. Mind you i was also doing progesterone gel inserts. I take a test this morning and barely a line. I demand to come back in for blood today instead of tomorrow, HCG is 13. So a chemical pregnancy with a pgs normal embryo. I am fed up! I demanded a ton of blood work for recurrent pregnancy loss. Idc if it’s necessary or not. They send me the lab orders. I also called two other clinics for second opinions and to likely move forward with a retrieval and transfer elsewhere. I’m sorry for the rant. I’m just angry and fed up.