He got what he want {update}

My husband has been spending time with mom, knowing his brother (who still lives with his mom) tested positive for the coronavirus. I kept telling him not to go around her. He didn’t listen. He’s too much of a mommas boy. Now he is having symptoms of the coronavirus and so is his mom and he’s staying with her while I’m at home with our two week old son and 2 year old toddler. Great. Absolutely great. I hate how he risked our health to go out with his mom. Now he’s at her house taking care of his mom, when he should be at our house helping with the babies. 😭😪 I can’t stop crying. This is literally getting to me. 2020 has been so great. 🙄

UPDATE: I’m pretty sure I have it not. Just great. 😫😭 do I wear a mask around my kids? I am so mad at him. If he would’ve been more careful (like I was) this wouldn’t of happened.