Does this shit make sense?đź’€

I honestly used to be that girl that got sooooo attached in relationships. I don’t really know what happened but like last month something changed.

I’ve learned to detach myself from people (guys especially). Not to the point where I stop caring fully. I just got tired of constantly breaking my own heart. When there are so many guys who don’t know what they want.

I don’t really do “dating” anymore. I started to feel like once you added that title to your relationship everything went downhill. I tried to explain it to my friends, but I’m not sure if they understood it because they see nothing wrong with the boyfriend and girlfriend thing and they have attachment and abandonment issues. I explained to them that I’d rather be in the “talking/ best friends with benefits” stage because dating especially in high school is time consuming and usually a waste of time. I’ve found (like now) I enjoy it a lot more when you have that thing with a guy and you both like eachother your friends know. You do everything people dating would do just without the title. But obviously creating boundaries. Maybe it’s a waste of time, but I’ve found in doing that relationships have tended to last alotttt longer when you don’t add the “boyfriend girlfriend” title.

Honesty, I 100% recommend trying it. I’ve had this exact thing with a guy for 6 months now. He knows I have strong feelings and vice versa. And we’ve always agreed we like the way things are. Am I crazy 💀 or does anyone else fucking think like this