Over the rainbow 🌈


9 months ago I made a post about finding out I was pregnant.

Last year tested my faith. Finding out I was pregnant in March and than loosing baby in April on top of that going to surgery due to an ovarian cyst I honestly didn’t think it could get any worse. I was wrong. Fell pregnant again late May. Heard the heartbeat and on my second appointment my world crashed. I had a D&C in July and tried to put the idea of a second child behind me. 5 years. That’s how long hubby and I were trying. Each nagging negative test pulled at my heart. After everything that happened I didn’t think I would give my son a bother or sister. Yet, I sit here holding my daughter in awe with the high note of finding out I was pregnant in October. My pregnancy was very rough, emotionally I was constantly looking behind, filled with the anxiety of what happened. At 37 weeks 5 day I labored for 7 hours and pushed this little girl in 5 pushes. 6 pounds 8 oz and 18 inches long. She is prefect.

I am so proud of myself and my body. Proud for this rainbow in my life after the hurt and pain. I cry tears of joy because I finally feel like my family is complete.

I wanted to thank this group and every one on here who gave me and others advice and input. I swear I would have lost my mind if it weren’t for this group. I hope everyone enjoys these sleepless nights. Their little eyes and smiles are totally worth it in the end.