Very Faint Positive Test



Hi ladies. I’m due for my period in 2 days and took a test. It was a clear blue test. The positive line was sooooo faint, almost barely there. I’m currently having period-like cramps so I’m afraid AF might be on her way.

What are the chances this is good news?

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I tested positive with a digital first response hpt 8 days out from my next expected period. Thought it was a fluke & tested again with clear blue and got 3 fp’s. After taking about a gazillion more tests (I was in denial lol) I finally decided to just make a drs appt & bloodwork confirmed I was indeed pregnant. I experienced period like cramps quite frequently throughout my pregnancy and definitely in the early months. If you’ve only taken 1 test and it was a fp, I would be skeptical as blue dye tests are notorious for false fp’s, but if you’ve taken several & they all look pretty similar, I think it’s safe to assume you’re pregnant. Best of luck to you!!


Felicia • Jun 12, 2020
Of course! Fingers crossed for you!! ♥️


wish • Jun 12, 2020
I’ve only taken one! I’m due for my period tomorrow and will test again. Thanks for your response!


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All four times I have been pregnant it always feel like my period is coming


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My pregnancy with my son I had awful period like cramps. They did blood work and my progesterone was so low, like my ovaries weren’t even registering a pregnancy. If they get really bad I would suggest having your blood work done, because low progesterone can cause a moscarriage


wish • Jun 12, 2020
Thank you! I will definitely look into that. They are light cramps for now - sort of feels like pressure building