Am I wrong for not being more supportive?


I have a really close male friend. We dated for a year and half but broke up because we didn’t feel that Kind of love for each other.

We remained friends after and I consider him one of my best friends.

He’s got 2 children which I absolutely love. A 6 year old daughter and almost 3 year old son. He’s raising them without help because his daughters mother left the picture and his sons mother walked out on them when he was 6

Months old to be with a new guy who she had 2 babies with and recently walked out on them as well.

We broke up over a year ago, I’ve seen him involve himself with a number of women since then. There was Ashley who he ended up getting pregnant and after they broke up she got an abortion, Candy who I tried to tell him was a catfish, Kathleen who was going through a divorce and most recently Courtney. None of these relationships were stable. And they broke up multiple times and got back together multiple times.

He’s currently seeing Courtney (they were childhood “boyfriend and girlfriend” at 11 years old) who is now a recovering drug addict. She quit drugs because he told her he couldn’t be with an addict. In the past 2 months they’ve been together, they’ve broken up about 8 times so roughly once a week.

I was talking to him tonight and suggested he apply to work at the place I do and he said “IDK about leaving my job (Taco Bell crew member very low pay, I make about $4/hour more and I get commission) because Courtney and I are looking at moving in together and we’re trying to get pregnant.

I naturally got upset because it’s too soon plus with her just freshly off drugs it’s not exactly a good start to her recovery. I told him how I think that his relationship is really toxic and that they shouldn’t be considering having a baby right now with her still within the first 2 years of recovery for concern that the added stress of having a brand new baby might cause her to relapse.

He said their relationship isn’t toxic like everyone keeps telling him. And I told him that obviously if multiple people are saying the same thing, we are seeing patterns of toxicity that they can’t see and that a healthy relationship isn’t one that ends every week.

I expressed that I feel like he’s in too much of a rush and that I agree with love and starting families but in the right situation.

He got upset and told me “I thought out of everyone you’d be supportive of my decision”

Am I wrong for not being supportive given the circumstances?