Funny moment during/after sex


The funniest/weirdest thing happened last night while in bed with my boyfriend; he started licking my nipples and sucking on them, both my nipples are pierced. Anyway we got pretty rough last night as thats our thing and as we were getting out of bed to go have a smoke i looked down at the bed and there was my nipple piercing!!!! Not only had the ball unscrewed but my whole bar came out and i had no idea! It had been out long enough that i couldnt put my bar back in! So i grabbed out my sewing box and stuck a clean needle through the hole that was still there but not as big as the bar! So long story short I essentially had to re-pierce my nipple after having some great sex with my boyfriend last night! I just had to share it with someone so here you are, That’s a sex story that I’ll never forget 😂😂