Night weaning/formula tips please help

Michelle • wife🌻 mama to baby girl Heidi and Blythe 🐝 Pregnant with surprise gender baby #3 🌱

Hi mamas. I’m sitting here at 1:30 in tears because I feel like a complete failure. I recently asked you guys what formulas your BF babies like and stocked up on a few. The plan was to BF her during the day and give her a 6oz bottle at night so she’ll hopefully sleep through the night. My daughter won’t take ANYTHING. Formula and whole milk. Nothing. She arches her back and screams when we try to give her a bottle. I’m at a complete loss as far as what to do. She’s still waking up 4-5x a night to nurse. Sometimes every hour. I’m 10w pregnant, my boobs really hurt and I can’t take this anymore. I’m exhausted in all possible ways. Her doctor is no help, shamed me for bringing up formula, and said I should just stick with breastfeeding...I don’t know what to do...I’m feeling more hopeless than ever right now.