Could I be pregnant ?! Positive and negative tests


What I assumed was my last period started May 29th, and lasted about 2.5 days. It was a lighter period and very mild cramping

It came 4 days early, at cycle day 22 (it was initially supposed to come June 2nd)

Fast forward to Sunday June 7th, i woke up feeling slightly nauseous. I ending up getting sick and then felt queezy on and off for the rest of the day. This last until about Wednesday.

On June 9th I decided to randomly take a pregnancy test and it showed up was not with FMU. I took more as the days went on this week and i was only getting some positives in the afternoon. All morning tests were negative

I took some tests yesterday and all were negative, but i have super blazing positive OPK’s

I’m so confused as to why these test strips showed positive? I have even taken first response tests which came back negative..

Currently feeling slightly other symptoms

No idea what is going on!!