Family is sabotaging my pregnancy 🤦🏽‍♀️


So I’m supposed to be on bedrest until the 26th (when I have my c-section) so my mom has been helping watch my son while my boyfriend has been at work. Then, due to riots in our area, my mom and dad thought it best if my son just stay with them for the time being. I was ok with it since they’ve been awesome about watching him while I can’t anyways. Now on Monday my mom and aunt were talking and saying how I should just have the baby this weekend (I’m 35 weeks today) because the 14th is a special day in our family. I joked about it and brushed it off. Now on Tuesday my mom told me at 9pm that I needed to go to her house and help with my son because she had a doctors appointment in the morning. So I came out that night, spent the night and we all decided I should just spend the rest of the week/weekend here because my boyfriend had 12 hour shifts the rest of the week and I shouldn’t be home alone for long since I have preeclampsia (which is why I’m on bedrest). Well Wednesday and Thursday I was the one taking care of my son all day, all she did was sit at the table and feed him at meal times. I changed all the diapers, chased him around, made his meals, got his sippy cups etc. Both days my feet and legs swelled really bad, and my BP went up to 160/105 (I’m supposed to go in for BP that high) when it has been in the 120/70 range with bedrest. I told my mom how high it was and she was like “oh wow, not good...” and then asked me to do a few things and told me to get my son ready for bed. Now today it’s been the same thing so far. She saying she doesn’t feel good and keeps asking me to do stuff for her on top of me taking care of my son. Now she tells me she has an appointment next Thursday. I feel like she’s purposely trying to keep me off bedrest so I’ll have the baby sooner and I can’t understand why. She knows how important it is to me to make it to 37 weeks...